Intro Today, I want to discuss a topic that, when I discovered it, significantly improved my workflow. It is the standard library module unicodedata. This module proves exceptionally valuable when parsing data. Let’s delve into why. Normalization The unicodedata.normalize(form, unistr, /) function serves to convert Unicode strings into their standardized form. There are four possible values for form, two for composing and two for decomposing: NFC: Normalization Form Composed. In this form, characters are composed into their canonical equivalents.
Intro Hi, in this post I will demonstrate how I created a simple CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions to automate the deployment of this site. The idea is that whenever I push something to the main branch, it will automatically build and deploy this site. Runners A runner is basically the server where the pipeline will execute. There are two options here, you can use a GitHub-hosted runner, or a Self-hosted runner.
Intro After several months of training, I finally got my blue belt! It’s definitely another big step in this very long journey. There’s still much to learn and train for, but today I’m very happy with this achievement. On this occasion, I want to share some videos of my last taekwondo exam. Breaking There’s an area in taekwondo called breaking, which consists of breaking a special wooden or plastic board. The philosophy behind this is that you have to develop the precise technique, with the right accuracy and power, in order to break the board.
Intro Some weeks ago, my cellphone crashed and never turned on again, so I lost several pictures and videos that I’m trying to recover. However, this made me wonder how I should back up my data, just in case something similar occurs again. I have all Google sync/backup disabled, as I don’t want to keep feeding the monster, this is definitely not an option for me. As I’m an active Proton fan and subscriber (see Proton.
Intro Unless you’re a sysadmin or worked with GNU/Linux servers for a long time, it’s very possible that you’ve never heard about a chroot jail. This is a very old topic, seriously, I learned how to create a jail about 15 years ago, yet it remains a very useful concept today. Let’s say you have your own server, and you decide to mount your own mini-hosting project. Somehow, you need to give your users access via SSH so they can do their stuff.
Intro Hi, in this post, we are going to protect our web server against undesired path enumeration. There are several bots out there trying to exploit known vulnerabilities or abuse default configurations. This post is the continuation of Secure your ssh server with fail2ban, ensure you have at least fail2ban installed and running. After I enabled access logs for my web server, I began checking them. There were a lot of funny and scary requests as you can see in the image.
Intro Days ago, I bought my first VPS with Debian 12 installed. Just a few days after it was up and running, I began checking the system logs, where the SSH service caught my attention. To my surprise, there were several attempts to connect to port 22, including some brute-forcing attempts to access users that didn’t exist on my server. I mean, I know it’s a public IP and the World Wide Web, but come on, not even 48 hours online and I’ve already had several intrusion attempts, mostly coming from Asia.
A few words I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my new website and project! Through this blog, I plan to document my coding adventures, share personal experiences, and express my viewpoints on various topics, including my journey in Taekwondo. I’m excited to embark on this journey and share it with you. Stay tuned for more updates!